Functions of the liver

Liver has three basic functions – vascular, metabolic and secretory.
The liver’s vascular function includes being a major blood reservoir. Liver filters over one litre of blood per minute, ensuring the blood is free from bacteria, endotoxins and various other complexes. It helps to ensure the cleanliness of the blood.
The metabolic functions of the liver are countless as it is involved in the metabolism of protein, carbohydrate and fat. The liver also act as a storage of vitamins and minerals (eg: stores vitamins, sugar and iron to help to provide your body energy). It’s the organ where numerous hormones such as thyroxine, oestrogen and costisol are broken down. The liver also detoxifies drugs, pesticides, and other poisonous substances.
The liver’s secretory functions involve the synthesis and secretion of bile. Bile is necessary for the absorption of fat, fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) and other fat soluble nutrients. Liver also helps to digest food and absorb important nutrients. Besides, the liver also produce about one litre of bile everyday. Although a large proportion of bile secreted into the intestines is reabsorbed, many toxins are effectively eliminated from the body by the bile.